Welcome to JosephSaenzPhD.com!

Hello and welcome to my blog. I'm Joseph Saénz and I am here to share my journey — it is one of resilience, innovation, and relentless pursuit of excellence in quantitative investment and risk management.

A little more on who I am, what I do, and what I am interested in:

My Path & Passion

My professional journey began with a fascination for numbers and their power to solve complex problems. As a neurodivergent individual, I navigated a non-standard path, overcoming financial and food insecurity, as well as chronic health challenges. These experiences fueled my determination to excel and make a difference.

Persistence & Grit

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Washington, I specialized in econometrics and public finance, which laid the groundwork for my career. My obsession with understanding financial systems sometimes bordered on detrimental, but this intense focus also became my superpower. It allowed me to innovate and lead in ways that others might not have envisioned.

Professional Milestones

At The Fremont Group, where I serve as Managing Director, Head of Risk & Quantitative Analytics, I developed 'Q:', a cutting-edge portfolio analytics & risk software. This tool has been instrumental during critical periods such as the COVID-19 pandemic, enhancing our strategic capabilities and decision-making processes

Embracing Unconventional Roles

My career has been marked by adding various hats to my collection, from software engineering to executive management. Each role has required a blend of technical expertise and strategic insight, driven by a commitment to fostering environments where diverse talents can thrive.

Recent Insights & Reflections

Iran's evolving role in a coalition with Russia, China, and North Korea underscores significant shifts in global power dynamics. This alliance, often dismissed, actually holds substantial geopolitical and economic influence, challenging Western hegemony.

The U.S. commercial real estate sector faces critical challenges with high maturing debt, regional bank vulnerabilities, and changing work patterns. This precarious situation demands vigilant regulatory oversight to mitigate broader economic risks.